
Showing posts from January, 2018

Feminist theory (Mrs Banks)

(17th October 2017) Feminist theory’s:  Judith Butler: The idea that identity is performatively constructed by the very 'expressions' that are said to be it's results (it is manufactured through a set of acts) The idea that there s no gender identity behind the expressions of gender  The idea that performity is not a singular act, but a repetition and a ritual. Judith butler says that gender isn’t natural, gender is performative.  Liesbet Van Zoonen -Gender is constructed through discourse, and it’s meaning varies according to cultural and historical context  -Magazines construct many traditional representations that relate and specify to society and time -There is a depressing stability in the articulation  of women’s politics and communication  -The idea that he display of women’s bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture  bell hooks: The idea that feminism is a struggle to end se...

Media Industry Theory (Mr Buckmaster)

23/01/18 Power and media industries: James Curran and Jean Seaton Key terms: Monopoly- The exclusive ownership or control of something  Conglomerate- A large corporation consisting of smaller companies  Subsidiary- A smaller company owned by a large corporation  Curran and seaton on monopoly: “It [extends] their range of businesses and political connections, [increases] their corporations prestige and, through judicious editorial appointments, [contributes] to the maintenance of public opinion favourable to private enterprise” IT IS ESTENTIAL TO REMEMBER THST CONGLOMORATES ARE PRIMARILY DRIVEN BY THE LOGIC OF PROFIT   AND  POWER  Key facts= Having a monopoly means domination of multiple media industries If the focus is on creating profit, generally conglomerates don’t tske the risk with the media products they produce  This often results in limited variety, creativity and quality  “Anti monopoly media regulation is needed no...


MEDIA LANGUAGE: Roland Barthes: Semiotics The idea that texts communicate their meanings through a process of signification The idea that signs can function at the level of denotation, which involves the 'Literal' or common-sense meaning of the sign, and at the level of connotation which involves the meanings associated with of suggested by the sign The idea that constructed meanings can come to seem self-evident, achieving the status myth through a process of naturalism. REPRESENTATION: Levi Strauss: Structuralism The idea that texts can best be understood through an examination of their underlying structure The idea that the meaning is dependent upon (and produced through) pairs of oppositions The idea that the way in which these binary opposites are resolved can have particular ideological significance. Stuart Hall: Representation The idea that meaning through language is defined in its broadcast sense as a system of signs  The idea that...

Sraight Outta compton- Case Study (Mr Buckmaster)

Straight Outta Compton Case Study